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Facebook for iOS and Android have been updated with some big new features. First, the Android app has added batch photo uploads (finally!) that brings it to feature parity with the iPhone app (though on Apple’s platform it’s a separate app). This allows users to upload multiple photos to the social network without having to tag or caption each one individually.
Users of the Android app can now create events on the handset itself, which has been a long-requested feature. You can also add photos and emoji to private messages between friends.
The iOS app has also been redone, launching much quicker and performing “twice as fast” according to Facebook. Photos load “instantly” and scrolling through the app is much, much smoother. We’ve been really impressed with the performance and stability on Facebook 5.0 for iOS. Updating in real time, the news feed will tell you when there’s a new entry with a little banner at the top of the screen.
Both apps perform much better than previous versions, and Facebook has done a great job ensuring that its 500+ million mobile users are not disappointed with the end results.

Download Facebook for Android and iOS.

By on August 23, 2012 at 2:04pm in Mobile News